Luján, Wyden, Morrelle Introduce Fair Repair Act

Legislation would eliminate corporate monopolies that cost consumers billions of dollars per year by finally giving small businesses and everyday Americans the right to repair their own products like cell phones, computers, and more

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Congressman Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.) introduced the Fair Repair Act, legislation to guarantee consumers and small businesses a right to repair their own products by requiring manufacturers to make diagnostic repair information, parts, and tools readily available.

“For far too long, the wealthiest and largest corporations have made it harder for ordinary Americans to repair consumer products. Consumers who might choose to take their items to a third-party repair shop are finding it harder and harder to do so. Barriers to repair cost can cost a family over $1,000 a year,” said Senator Ben Ray Luján. “This legislation will make it easier and more affordable for Americans to seek tech repairs for items like phones, laptops, and other devices. I’m proud to introduce this legislation with Congressman Morelle and Senator Wyden to give power back to the consumers.”

“When you buy something, you shouldn’t have to pay extra, or ask special permission from a corporation just to get it fixed,” said Senator Wyden. “The Fair Repair Act is a common-sense step to put users in control of the phones and other electronics they already own. I’m glad to work with Sen. Luján and Sen. Lummis to help enshrine the right to repair in black-letter law.”

“Large corporations have continually hindered the progress of small business owners and everyday Americans by preventing them from the right to repair their own equipment. It’s time to level the playing field,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “I’m proud to introduce the Fair Repair Act alongside Senator Luján to put the power back where it belongs: in the hands of consumers. This common-sense legislation will help make technology repairs more accessible and affordable for items like cell phones, laptops, and more, finally giving individuals the autonomy they deserve.”

Currently, many electronics manufacturers require that repairs, or parts to complete a repair, be made by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) itself or through one of their authorized vendors, making the process costly and burdensome for consumers. The Fair Repair Act will require OEMs to make diagnostic and repair information, parts, and tools available to third-party repairers and owners in a timely manner and on fair and reasonable terms, helping consumers and repair shops to avoid unnecessary and costly delays while also reducing waste.

Research by U.S. PIRG suggests enaction of the Fair Repair Act could reduce household spending on electronics by 22 percent, leading to a savings of around $330 per year for each family and approximately $40 billion of total savings nationally per year.

Rob Larew, President of the National Farmers Union, said: “Equipment manufacturers are imposing unfair restrictions on agricultural machinery repair, costing farmers time and money. Each season, farmers face tight harvest and planting windows, not to mention tight margins, and simply cannot afford limited and unreasonably expensive equipment repair costs. We are proud to support the Fair Repair Act to expand repair choices for farmers, ranchers, and all consumers.”

Gay Gordon-Byrne, Executive Director of, said: “Every consumer, business, industry, government agency or school needs to be able to fix their stuff or be forced to throw away and buy replacements, if affordable replacements even exist.  The problem of monopolized repair is adding pointless costs to our economy, making us less competitive, and leaving us less resilient in the face of international challenges.”

Nathan Proctor, Senior Director, U.S. PIRG Campaign for the Right to Repair, said: “You should be able to fix your stuff. Fixing things saves consumers money, and helps reduce electronic waste. Thanks to leaders in the states, from both sides of the aisle, more and more Americans have protections to ensure they can repair their products. Everyone in the country deserves those same rights, from families, to farmers, schools to small businesses.”

George Slover, Senior Counsel for Competition Policy at the Center for Democracy & Technology, said: “This bill stops manufacturers from using technology to deny the basic right of ownership that consumers have enjoyed for centuries—the right to choose where and how to fix what we own. It requires the manufacturer to make available the same resources needed for fixing the product, whether the repair shop is hand-picked by the manufacturer or is an independent that may be less expensive or more convenient.”

Kit Walsh, Director of AI and Access-to-Knowledge Legal Projects at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said: “This important bill will help Americans keep our technology in good repair and will help small repair businesses compete on fair terms with device manufacturers. Ultimately that means higher-quality device repair for lower prices, less environmental waste, and a safer Internet of Things. The bill is also significant because it recognizes that device owners have rights, that you are allowed to understand and fix your devices even if the manufacturer would rather they were the only one.”

To learn more about the Fair Repair Act, read the full text of the bill here.



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