Luján Votes to Confirm Marcia Fudge as Housing and Urban Development Secretary

Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) issued the following statement after the Senate voted to confirm Congresswoman Marcia Fudge as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:

“The next HUD Secretary must be able to provide relief for struggling Americans to help keep a roof over their heads during this pandemic and beyond. As a former mayor and Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congresswoman Fudge brings a wealth of experience to the Biden administration. She will strive to build a more just housing system, address homelessness, and prioritize racial equity in the housing market.

“Having worked with Congresswoman Fudge in the House, I know that we’ll be able to work together to ensure New Mexicans are able to recover and rebuild from this pandemic. I look forward to working with her in this new role as HUD Secretary.”



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