Luján Statement on Biden-Harris Administration’s Launching of “Internet for All” Initiative

“Internet for All” Will Move New Mexico Toward 100% Connectivity

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Chair of the Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband, issued the following statement on the Biden-Harris Administration’s announcement of the “Internet for All” initiative to invest $45 billion in affordable, reliable, high-speed internet for communities in New Mexico and across the United States:

“I am proud to have championed digital equity, broadband access, and affordability in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which makes an historic investment to close the digital divide for Americans across the country by increasing access to high-speed internet,” said Luján. “Passing this legislation was only the first step – and with this announcement, the NTIA will begin to implement the initiative. This program will build internet infrastructure, teach digital skills, and provide necessary technology to move our communities – including communities of color, rural and Tribal communities, and older Americans – toward the access they need to fully participate in today’s society. I remain committed to oversight to ensure these funds are used efficiently and effectively to continue progress toward connectivity for all New Mexicans through affordable, resilient, and secure broadband.”



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