Luján Meets with New Mexico Mayors to Highlight American Rescue Plan Relief for Local Communities

Washington, D.C. – In his continued efforts to meet with communities across the state to highlight relief for New Mexicans in the American Rescue Plan, U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján met last week with Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway, Elida Mayor Durward Dixon, Gallup Mayor Louie Bonaguidi, Red River Mayor Linda Calhoun, Springer Mayor Boe Lopez, and Taos Mayor Dan Barrone. Senator Luján met with each mayor individually to discuss the implementation of the American Rescue Plan and how it will benefit the respective communities.  

“The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every community in New Mexico, and our local leaders have been instrumental in helping New Mexicans get through this public health crisis. It was my honor to meet with local mayors last week to discuss the American Rescue Plan and learn more about their priorities to help New Mexicans recover and rebuild from this pandemic,” said Luján. “One of my top priorities in the American Rescue Plan was including relief for state, local, and Tribal governments, and I know that this funding will be crucial for New Mexicans.”

“We had a very informative discussion with Senator Luján and members of his staff about federal grants and opportunities for the City of Carlsbad. We obtained a great amount of information, and we thank Senator Luján for visiting with us personally,” said Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway. “We also look forward to future visits with members of his staff where we can work together on these projects, and to Senator Luján visiting Carlsbad as soon as possible, so we can show him everything going on down here. Our employees are already hard at work putting this information to good use in serving our citizens.”

“It is refreshing to have another senator who cares for small town rural New Mexico, as well as the large urban areas. Ben Ray is willing to fight for every part of the state. He is just as attentive to the citizens of New Mexico after the election, as he was when he was running for office,” said Elida Mayor Durward Dixon. “I look forward to working with Senator Luján on local issues as well as state and national agriculture issues for years to come. Senator Ben Ray Luján is a true New Mexican!”

“I had a very interesting and relaxed meeting with Senator Ben Ray Luján. The Senator was concerned with how our community was faring and it was comforting to know how concerned he was about our citizens, the local small businesses as well as the city,” said Gallup Mayor Louie Bonaguidi. “I look forward to working with Senator Luján and appreciate any assistance his office and staff can provide. Our community was hit hard by the pandemic and we are in need of additional funding to complete projects that can further the quality of life for our residents and our surrounding community.” 

“Thank you, Sen. Luján for meeting with mayors across New Mexico to hear about the needs in our communities. I look forward to working with you in the future,” said Red River Mayor Linda Calhoun.

“I appreciate the time that Senator Ben Ray Luján and his staff gave to the Town of Springer last week to meet and discuss options with the Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem Ramirez, Field Superintendent Craig Eppler, and Water Department James Montoya to fund some of the infrastructure needs with the waste water plant and the water plant in Springer,” said Springer Mayor Boe Lopez.

“Senator Luján, I appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to help the Town of Taos navigate the funding opportunities that can be available to us. Your knowledge of the issues were enlightening and extremely valuable,” said Taos Mayor Dan Barrone.


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