Luján Commends Decision to Resume Honor Flight Program for Veterans

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) issued the following statement on the resumption of the Honor Flight Program for veterans to visit Washington, D.C.:

“I’m glad the National Park Service heeded our call to resume police escort services for Honor Flight visits. These trips gives our veterans a chance to tell their stories, honor their service, and mourn lost friends,” said Luján. “Our veterans have made tremendous sacrifices to protect our freedoms and without escorts from the U.S. Park Police may not be able to fully experience the memorials that are dedicated to their service.”


The National Park Service (NPS) and the Honor Flight Network announced yesterday the resumption of NPS and U.S. Park Police (USPP) support of Honor Flight visits to begin again on June 1 following a suspension of trips in the Spring of 2020. Upon learning that the Honor Flight Program was suspended, Senator Luján and Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.) pressed the National Park Service to resume the program. Since 2005, the organizations have partnered to provide memorable experiences for our nation’s veterans who visit the World War II, Korean War Veterans, and Vietnam Veterans memorials on the National Mall. 



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